
The matters posted on this website as information for shareholders and investors are intended to provide such information as the financial and corporate information of MANAC Chemical Partners Co., Ltd. and group companies (hereinafter, collectively referred to as “MANAC”), and no guarantees or warranties of any kind are expressed or implied.

This website may not include all of the information that has been released by MANAC and may contain expressions that differ from information released through other methods. Please also note that the content of this website is subject to change or removal without prior notice.

MANAC takes the utmost care when posting information to this website. However, MANAC makes no guarantee whatsoever regarding the accuracy, usefulness, reliability, or any such aspect of the information posted to this website. Additionally, in no event shall MANAC be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use or non-use of the information posted to this website.

With the exception of topics that are historical facts, information posted to this website, such as business plans, strategies, and assessments, include forward-looking statements regarding MANAC’s outlook created on the basis of the information, theories, and assessments currently available to MANAC’s management, and involve a certain level of risk and uncertainty. Therefore, actual results and other such information publicly announced in the future may differ from such statements due to these and other various factors.

The information on this website is intended to explain MANAC’s financial and corporate information, and is not intended as a solicitation for investment. Users of this website are requested to use their own judgment when making an actual investment. Neither MANACc nor its information providers shall bear any liability for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of the information contained on this website.

Article 30 of the Enforcement Order of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (the so-called 12-hour rule) was amended on February 1, 2004. Under the amended article, the requirement to publicly disclose material information under insider trading rules is now deemed complete when such information is registered on the Timely Disclosure network system (TDnet). However, please exercise caution because, in the event that material information is released through two or more press organizations but not through TDnet (such as when TDnet is down or a public announcement that does not involve TDnet is secured), Article 30 of the Enforcement Order of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law deems the material information obtained from this website prior to 12 hours after being released to be “non-public” information, and any person who trades MANAC’s shares or other relevant shares with the material information obtained from this website deemed to be “non-public” may violate the insider trading rules under the Securities and Exchange Law.